Short films

Short films archive
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Hot Bob
Funky entrepreneur
This guy always has multiples projects. With a diploma in comm. he is generally the one to organise. With parties, he prefers the organisation as he also makes sure that everyone is at ease. With the films on this site it's also the same pattern, he will participate in the weirdest films without actually losing his dignity like some others... Motivated, brilliant and pro.

Web: http://www.drinksandvanity.com/
Email deze@drinksandvanity.com

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Filmography of Hot Bob:

Shiny Escorts
Vibrato saves the space queens

Shiny Escorts
Vibrato saves the space queens

Dany (Biobazar) Janvier
Musical genius

Hot Bob
Funky entrepreneur

Marie-Joelle Boucher
Party girl

Pierre Brouillette-Hamelin
Admiral of the procastination

Gabriel Cantin
Portable entertainement

Guillaume Cholette
Show beast

Karine Delisle
She can beat you

Alexand Fournier

Iphigénie Frey
Agitated muse

Alexandre Gauthier
Confusely cool

Jean-Philippe Hébert
Happy driver

Isabelle Marcotte

Gabriel Sanvido
Social critic

Mathieu St-Arnaud
Funny military man

Charlie Twitch
Special sounds producer

Lisa Agata
Sweet and sleepy

Olivier Bonenfant
SynapticTV admin

Christian Brisebois-Rondeau
Multitask robot

Amanda Brunet-Piercey

Cynthia Caron
Sporty spice

Francis Dallaire
Punk star

Josef Edwards
Audio producer

Rémi Francoeur
Hosts your life

Josua Gaumond-Lacerte

Maxyme Grenier-Delisle

Rex Hicks
From Keokuk!

Vincent Nadeau
Outstandingly cool

Jules Saulnier
Short films guru

Mathieu Trudel
Reformed party boy

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Skins: STV Classic | SynapticOrgasm | Mars | Cyber-punk | DOS

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