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Tube - 2006-01-11
Type/section: Truly bad movies

Note: 30% - Tube is South Korean action film with a promising look and some generous reviews. South Korea's movies are just insanely good since 2002. Diversified (Wonderful days, Lies), intense (Save the green planet, Sympathy for mister vangeance), and intelligent (Old Boy, JSA), South Korea's movies are different from American style but still are modern and groundbreaking. It's basically an american action movie, remi...
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Strange, foreign and repertory cinema

Truly bad movies


La face cachée

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High Tension

Type/section: Repertory cinema
Note: 65% - High Tension is part of french new wave cinema; a hard and intense cinema. This movie is also in the States one of the few that came out first with the horrific NC-17 rati...

Operation Swordfish

Type/section: Truly bad movies
Score: 45% - They say that it is the kind of film in which you should left your brain at the door. I unfortunately kept a large part of it on me when I went to see Swordfish. Suddenly...

 Repertory cinema

Truly bad movies
Operation Swordfish


I love to review movies and try to review them adequately or making it fun to read for others. So there it is: reviews for movies I call truly bad movies may be not that bad after all, I'm just doing gratuitious bashing in a way that entertains me. To the contrary, I'm not being an ass in the repertory cinema section, leading to a more accurate take on the movie. Also, this section is not really updated in the english side of the site. Sorry for that. Thanks.

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